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The Male Gamete:

From Basic Science to Clinical Applications
edited by Claude Gagnon

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Detailed Contents:


Spermatogenesis: Regulation by Genes

Fifty years of insight into the seminiferous epithelium: A tribute to Yves W. Clermont & B. Robaire

Protamine gene expression: A model for post-transcriptional gene regulation in male germ cells. N.B. Hecht

Role of distinct c-kit gene products in spermatogenesis and fertilization. P. Rossi, C. Sette & R. Geremia

The effects of gene knockouts on spermatogenesis. E.M. Eddy

Prospects for spermatogonial transplantation in livestock and endangered species. C.L. Hausler & L.D. Russell

The putative chaperone calmegin and sperm fertility. M. Okabe M. Ikawa, S. Yamada, T. Nakanishi, M. Okabe, T. Baba & Y. Nishimune

Protamine mediated condensation of DNA in mammalian sperm. R. Balhorn & numerous co-authors

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Sperm-Reproductive Tract Interactions

Regulation of sperm transport in the mammalian oviduct. S.S. Suarez

The implications of unusual sperm/female relationships in mammals. J.M. Bedford

Interaction between sperm and epididymal secretory proteins. R. Sullivan

Signal Transduction and Regulation of Sperm Function

Signaling mechanisms controlling mammalian sperm fertilization competence and activation. G.S. Kopf, X.P. Ning, E. Visconti, M. Purdon, H. Galantino-Homer & M. Fornés

How does the jelly coat of starfish eggs trigger the acrosome reaction in homologous spermatozoa? M. Hoshi, M. Kawamura, Y. Maruyama, E. Yoshida, T. Nishigaki, M. Ikeda, M. Ogiso, M. Matsumoto & H. Moriyama

Signaling for exocytosis: lipid second messengers, phosphorylation cascades and cross-talks. E.R.S. Roldan

Rapid evolution of acrosomal proteins and species-specificity of fertilization in abalone. W.J. Swanson, E.C. Metz, C.D. Stout & V.D. Vacquier

Transmembrane signal transduction for the regulation of sperm motility in fishes and ascidians. M. Morisawa, S. Oda, M. Yoshida & H. Takai

Ionic factors regulating the motility of fish sperm. J. Cosson, R. Billard, C. Cibert, C. Dréanno & M. Suquet

Calcium channels of mammalian sperm: properties and role in fertilization. H.M. Florman, C. Arnoult, I.G. Kazam, C. Li & C.M.B. O'Toole

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Sperm Receptors for the Zona Pellucida

Defining the biochemical mechanisms of sperm-zona pellucida binding. C.D. Thaler

Molecular dissection of the sperm combining-site of mouse egg zona pellucida glycoprotein mZP3, the sperm receptor. P.M. Wassarman & E.S. Litscher

Zona pellucida-induced signal transduction via sperm surface beta 1,4-galactosyltransferase. B.D. Shur

Role of male germ-cell specific sulfogalactosylglycerolipid (SGG) and its binding protein, SLIP1, on mammalian sperm-egg interaction. N. Tanphaichitr, D. White, T. Taylor, M. Attar, M. Rattanachaiyanont, D. D'Amours & M. Kates

Characteristics of the sperm-zona interaction: identifying key issues for determining receptors for ZP3. R. Cardullo

Egg-Sperm Interactions

A current model for the role of ADAMs and integrins in sperm-egg membrane binding and fusion in mammals. D.G. Myles, C. Cho, R. Yuan & P. Primakoff

Diversity of sperm-activating peptide receptors. N. Suzuki

Participation of epididymal protein "DE" and its egg binding sites in sperm-egg fusion. P.S. Cuasinicù, D.J. Cohen & D.A. Ellerman

Fate and Importance of Sperm Structures

The fate of sperm components within the egg during fertilization: Implications for infertility. L. Hewitson, C. Simerly, P. Sutovsky, T. Dominko, D. Takahashi & G. Schatten

Transmission of mitochondrial DNA. E. Shoubridge

Soluble sperm activating factors. B. Dale, L. Di Matteo, M. Marino, G. Russo & M. Wilding

Advances in Sperm Physiology and Taxonomy

Spermatozoal phylogeny of the vertebrata. B.G.M. Jamieson

Accessory microtubules in insect spermatozoa: structure, function and phylogenetic significance. R. Dallai & B.A. Afzelius

Spermatozoa of Platyhelminthes: comparative ultrastructure, tubulin immunocytochemistry and nuclear labeling. J-L. Justine

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Structured Management of Male Infertility

Structured management as a basis for cost-effective infertility care. D. Mortimer

Role of sperm function testing in infertility management. C.J. De Jonge

The need to detect DNA damage in human spermatozoa: possible consequences on embryo development. D. Sakkas

Cellular maturity and fertilizing potential of sperm populations in natural and assisted reproduction. G. Huszar, H.B. Zeynelglu & L. Vigue

Genetic testing of the male. C.L.R. Barratt, J.C. St. John & M. Afnan

Controversies in Applied Spermatology

Ooplasmic injections of round spermatids and secondary spermatocytes for the treatment of non-obstructive azoospermia. N. Sofikitis & I. Miyagawa

Potential pitfalls in male reproductive technology. J.M. Cummins

The spermatozoon as a vehicle for viral infection. B. Baccetti & P. Piomboni

How assisted conception deals with HIV: biological and clinical aspects. S. Hamamah, A. Fignon & D. Mortimer

The saga of sperm decrease in humans and wild and farm animals. B. Jégou, J. Auger, L. Multigner, C. Pineau, P. Thonneau, A. Spira & P. Jouannet


Practical Aspects of Spermatology

The dark and the bright sides of reactive oxygen species on sperm function. E. de Lamirande & C. Gagnon

The male germ cell as a target for drug and toxicant action. B. Robaire & B. F. Hales

Role of tubulin epitopes in the regulation of flagellar motility. P. Huitorel, S. Audebert, D. White, J. Cosson & C. Gagnon

Immunocontraceptive vaccines for the control of wild animal populations: Antigen selection and delivery. M.K. Holland, K. Beagley, C. Hardy, L. Hinds & R.C. Jones

Comparative cryobiology of mammalian spermatozoa. S. Leibo & L. Bradley

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