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B. David Brooks, Ph.D. and Frank Goble

Dr. B. David Brooks, former president of The Jefferson Center for Character Education in Pasadena, California, has written or supervised the writing of character education curriculum being used in over 60,000 classrooms nationwide and in Canada, Columbia and Japan. Dr. Brooks has taught at the elementary, middle-school, continuation and high school levels and was principal of a large urban high school in southern California. He is the author or co-author of two books:

The Case for Character Education
The Self-Esteem Repair and Maintenance Manual

as well as scores of professional articles.

Dr. Brooks has been a member of task forces and commissions at the local, state and national levels. He is frequently employed to train law enforcement officers at the University of Southern California and is a consultant to various city and national agencies regarding character education, gangs, violence, and vandalism. Dr. Brooks has appeared on Good Morning, America, 20/20, ABC's American Agenda and numerous other radio and television programs.

Dr. Brooks is a founding member of the board of directors of The Character Education Partnership based in Washington, D.C.

Frank Goble (picture not available) is chairman of the Jefferson Center, a published author and former executive vice president and president of D. B. Milliken Company.